Apple Wallet app icon and Google Wallet app icon


All the links and information you need to maximise your return from PassKit.

The PassKit Portal icon

The PassKit Portal

The PassKit web application where you can create your PassKit account, design your passes, access your credentials, manage your integrations and much more.

The PassKit Portal

Support icon

The PassKit Support Center

Online support including getting started guides, FAQs, detailed instructions, video tutorials, masterclasses, best practices and access to PassKit experts.

Support Center

Blog icon

The PassKit Blog

Thought leading articles on digital wallets, customer experience, loyalty, leading edge technologies as well as Apple Wallet and Google Wallet news and case studies.

The PassKit Blog

Legal Documentation icon

Legal Documentation

PassKit legal documentation inluding our Terms of Use, Acceptable Use Policy, Data Processing Agreement, Privacy Statement and Service Level Standards.

Legal Documentation

SDK icon

Software Development Kits

Quickstarts, SDKs and other developer resources; giving you the very quickest and easiest way to integrate Apple Wallet and Google Pay passes into your application(s).

PassKit on Github

API Docs icon

PassKit API Documentation

Complete documentation for all the PassKit business protocols (members, coupons, flights and tickets). And documentation for shared APIs that can be used to create and manage Pass Templates, Images and Analytics.

API Documentation

Postman Icon

The PassKit Postman Collection

The PassKit Postman Collection is a pre-built collection of sample payloads and responses designed to make it even quicker and easier to interact with the PassKit platform using Postman.

Postman Collection

Postman Icon

The PassKit Status Page

The PassKit Status Page provides real-time information about the availability, performance, and overall health of the PassKit service.

Status Page