Featured Integrations
A few of the most popular integrations
Break down silos and empower automated workflows; transforming the
way you engage your customers.
Streamline operations, gain
deeper insights, and deliver exceptional experiences.
Passes can be dynamically personalized based on data in your other systems, ensuring that each pass is tailored to the individual recipient.
Automate updates to ensure that users always have the latest information. Push notifications can be used to engage users with timely updates, reminders, and offers.
Once you have designed your pass, you can optionally integrate passes with your other systems and applications. You do this using the PassKit Developer Quickstarts, PassKit Webhooks, Make, Zapier, or using the integrations available in the PassKit Portal.
SDKs Webhooks Make ZapierPassKit can integrate with customer databases, CRM systems, and marketing automation tools to create personalized digital passes tailored to individual preferences and behaviors.
Integrate PassKit with your loyalty program software to automatically update digital loyalty cards. This enables customers to easily and instantly track their points and rewards, increasing loyalty program participation.
Integration with CRM, inventory and POS systems can help businesses manage available offers, discounts, and tickets in real-time, reducing errors and overcommitment.
PassKit simplifies wallet pass management in Apple and Google Wallet. Businesses can leverage integrations to trigger updates, keeping customers informed about events, offers, and expiring coupons.
Integrated systems streamline pass data collection (install date, wallet type, location) to fuel marketing insights and campaign measurement through reports and dashboards.
Integration automates tasks previously requiring manual data entry or transfer between systems. This eliminates repetitive work, frees up employee time, and minimizes errors caused by human intervention.
Integrated systems ensure consistent data across platforms with built-in validation checks to prevent errors and deliver accurate, timely pass information.
Integration with other systems and applications allows businesses to easily scale their mobile marketing efforts as their customer base grows.
A few of the most popular integrations
PassKit integrates with your existing tools and systems, making it easy to manage and automate your digital loyalty rewards program.
Software Developer Kits - Our SDKs take away all the complexity so you can focus entirely on implementing your bespoke business logic. Connections, gRPC marshalling, code auto-completion and documentation are all built into our SDKs. All that you need to do is import our libraries as you would any other for your chosen language.
Web Hooks - PassKit webhooks instantly deliver data to other applications, as soon as the event happens in PassKit. This is extremely powerful, and very different from typical APIs where you would need to poll data frequently to get a similar outcome. Simple subscribe to webhooks and consume real-time event data from PassKit.
Automation Tools - PassKit is available on Zapier and Make, allowing you to design and manage automations without the need for a developer. Connect your PassKit account and create your integration with apps like Shopify, WooCommerce, Square, Stripe, PayPal, and thousands more.
Reduced Manual Work: Integration automates tasks previously requiring manual data entry or transfer between systems. This eliminates repetitive work, frees up employee time, and minimizes errors.
Streamlined Workflows: Integrated systems allow for flow of information across departments. For example, an order placed online can automatically trigger a pass update (e.g. points).
Enhanced Visibility: Having all your data consolidated in a central location provides a holistic view of your operations and customers.
Improved Collaboration: Integration fosters better collaboration between teams and departments.
The PassKit API, and no-code automations, allow your systems to send and receive information to and from PassKit.
This means you can easily create and update your member's digitak membership cards with information from your member management software. Additionally, your member management software can receive information back from PassKit; like the pass URL,the install location and whether they are using Apple Wallet or Google Wallet. This can allow you to further refine your marketing campaigns.
It's your choice
You can either use PassKit's expiry date settings. i.e. Does not expire, Expires on a fixed date, or Expires a fixed period after pass issue.
Or you can choose 'Expiry date provided on issue'. By choosing this option, and through your integration, you can send the exact expiry date to PassKit for each individual pass.
Use third-party integration platforms: These platforms allow you to connect different apps without needing to code. PassKit is available on the following platforms
There are also a number of native integrations in the PassKit Portal. To access them simply visit the Settings View in your PassKit Project and click on Integrations in the left hand menu.
Yes, PassKit offers a variety of resources to support developers integrating their applications with PassKit:
If you have specific questions about your integrating PassKit with your application you can contact us at support@passkit.com.