Extend your mobile reach with

Digital Membership Cards

Why use Digital Membership Cards

Smartphone icon

Members never lose them

A digital membership card is easily stored and accessed in your customer's wallet application on their phone. This mean they are always carrying their card. Which means your brand is always with them.

Email icon

Enrolment and distributon is instant

No need to fill in paper forms and wait to receive a plastic card through the post. Members enrol online and instantly receive their personalized membership card on their phone and/or in their email inbox.

Location icon

Engage at the right time and location

A digital membership card can trigger a lockscreen notification when the smartphone is near to your location(s). A tap on the lockscreen message takes them straight to the membership card in Apple Wallet.

Bolt icon

Update at any time

Unlike a plastic membership card or an email, a digital membership card can be updated at anytime. For example if a member has upgraded their status, the digital card changes and they instantly see their updated card.

Gear icon

Connect to all your services

A digital membership card can contain weblinks, telephone numbers, email addresses and locations making it super simple for your members to connect with you at anytime.

Recycle icon

Environmentally friendly

Brands incur material and delivery costs when they use physical membership cards. Brands that embrace digital membership cards save money while also reducing waste from single-use promotional material.

Magic wand icon

Simple to design

Design your digital membership card template using the PassKit Portal within minutes. Choose your colours, your logo, your images, and customize your text and links.

Genius icon

Members demand convenience

The proliferation of smartphones mean that consumers want to take action immediately and on the fly. They expect convenience and easy access to member information, benefits, locations at all times.

Want to learn more?


A world full of connected, engaging and rewarding experiences

Micro-Moments Know


Members want easy access to their membership status and benefits they're entitled to.

Micro-Moments Go


Members want to easily find the address of a store or be reminded when they can use their membership card.

Micro-Moments Do


Members want to be able to update their membership details and access links to instructions and how-to's.

Micro-Moments Buy


Members want to be able to easily earn points, redeem rewards, and transact in the real world.

  • Businesses have the opportunity to influence behavior at all stages of the customer journey, not just when customers are ready to buy.

Digital Membership Cards for Apple and Google Wallet

Apple and Google Wallet gives you an unprecedented opportunity to extend your brand's mobile connectivity in apps your members already have and trust.

Digital Membership Card Example in Apple Wallet and Google Wallet


Customize the design of your digital membership card with beautiful colors, images, and engaging content. Provide members with easy access to their membership details and other useful information.

PassKit Portal Design Tab


Keep your digital membership cards synchronised with your customer data that exists in other databases. For example, you might want to connect with CRM (customer relationship management) application with PassKit, or connect your POS (Point of Sale) software with PassKit.

Registration Form Builder Member Management


Getting digital membership cards into Wallet is easy. You can distribute via email, via messaging, on the web or even by scanning a QR code.

Membership Card in iPhone


Your digital membership cards can be updated from within the PassKit Portal, or automatically when data changes in your other applications. You can easily notify the user of important updates; like when their membership status changes, points balances update or offers are available.

Lock screen notification for membership card update


Members access their digital membership cards in the Wallet app. If you want your member to use their card at your venue(s) you can use NFC (Near Field Communication), Barcodes, Weblinks or Text.

Scanning a digital membership card


Learn how many members have enrolled over time. Access all member events, such as check-in or status updates. And all this information can be sent directly to your other applications, such as CRM, using the PassKit webhooks. This real time information allows you to analyse the success of your program and respond immediately.

PassKit Portal Overview Dashboard

Digital Membership Cards In Industries

Join hundreds of businesses already simplifying membership managment for their customers with digital membership cards through PassKit.

Hospitality Sector


Digital cards in hospitality provide access to amenities, offer exclusive discounts, streamline check-in and check-out, and improve guest services.

Retail Sector


Digital cards in retail provide personalized shopping experiences, track loyalty points, offer exclusive discounts, and enable seamless checkout processes for customers.

Fitness and Wellness Sector

Sports & Fitness

Digital cards for sports and fitness help manage memberships, track workouts, provide access to facilities, and offer discounts on classes and merchandise.

Education Sector


Digital cards in education simplify access to resources, track attendance, and offer discounts on materials, making student life more convenient.

Events & Entertainment Sector

Events & Entertainment

Digital cards for events and entertainment provide easy entry, VIP access and personalized offers.

Museums & Attractions Sector

Museums & Attractions

Digital membership cards streamline entry, offer exclusive exhibit access, and provide personalized notifications, improving visitor experience, leading to increased engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Digital membership cards offer numerous advantages over physical cards, such as cost savings on printing, ease of updating information, and integration with mobile wallets. They streamline the membership process, reduce the risk of lost cards, and enhance the overall member experience.

Using digital membership software, businesses can effectively manage their membership programs through a members portal. This allows for easy account updates, tracking membership levels, and providing membership benefits to customers, improving overall membership management.

Businesses can also offer free accounts to attract more members and use the membership database to keep track of member details and preferences.

Various organizations can benefit from digital membership cards, including retail stores, fitness centers, and hospitality services. These businesses can improve customer engagement, manage membership databases more efficiently, and offer personalized membership benefits

Membership organizations of any kind can also utilize these cards to streamline their operations and provide a personal touch to their services.

Digital membership cards are highly secure and can include unique ID numbers and bar codes for verification. Unlike plastic cards, digital cards can be easily deactivated if lost, ensuring a secure and reliable membership process for your customers.

They can be updated instantly on a mobile device, and expiration dates can be managed without reissuing new cards. Members can easily scan their cards for quick access and create links to their own membership card for added convenience.

Ready to Get Started?