Category: Customer Loyalty

Lukas O'Neill

Customer Loyalty Programs for Small Businesses

Many companies have tried various customer loyalty programs in the past, from punch tickets to membership cards. These methods worked for a few years with customers returning for repeat purchases.  Essentially, a loyalty program creates an organic customer cycle with

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Lukas O'Neill

Customer Retention Strategies for Small Businesses

Customer retention should be a priority for all businesses. However, this is more so for small businesses that lack the funds for mass marketing (consistently attracting fresh waves of clients). Research shows that customer retention has significant benefits. Specifically, a

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Lukas O'Neill

The Ultimate Guide to Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty has remained a priority for modern businesses since the beginning of commerce. Based on market research, it’s much more profitable to keep customers than to seek new ones.  Specifically, it could cost brands five times more to attract

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Lukas O'Neill

Digital Loyalty Cards Vs. Physical Loyalty Cards

Digital Loyalty Cards Vs. Physical Loyalty Cards Loyalty programs keep customer experiences fresh and exciting – giving buyers an extra reason for a return purchase. Traditionally, such programs included printed scratch cards, coupons, and vouchers. However, times have changed, and

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Lukas O'Neill

The Top 5 Ways to Improve Customer Loyalty

The Top Five Ways to Improve Customer Loyalty Customer loyalty determines the long-term interest and support from your buyers. Conversely, poorly maintained relationships with your customers usually result in one-off purchases and high customer turnover. The digital age has made

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Lukas O'Neill

Top 5 Examples of Customer Reward Programs

Top Five Examples of Customer Reward Programs There is never a one-size-fits-all solution for customer reward programs – seeing how buyer needs vary. However, over the years, there have been inspirational examples that have proven wildly successful for their effort

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