gift card promotion ideas

20 Gift Card Promotion Ideas to Attract New Shoppers



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Research indicates that e-gift cards have become increasingly popular in consumer spending habits, holding a 48% market share. They are projected to surpass physical gift cards for the first time in 2024. 

For small business owners, leveraging digital gift cards can be a game-changer, especially when looking to expand their customer base. 

With the right gift card marketing strategy, gift card purchases can yield significant returns. 

In this article, we’ll explore 20 creative gift card promotion ideas designed to draw in new shoppers and keep them coming back for more. 

We will also explain how you can use PassKit to start a gift card program using the advantages of Google and Apple Wallets. 

Whether you’re just starting or looking to revamp your approach, these tips will help you make the most of your gift card offerings.

The importance of gift cards for small businesses

global gift card market

Image source: BlueWeave Consulting

Selling gift cards offers small businesses a simple yet effective way to boost revenue and attract new customers. 

Gift card promotions encourage upfront purchases, often leading to additional spending beyond the gift card value. When given as gifts, they introduce your brand to new customers.

How to prepare your gift card sales

To ramp up gift card sales, start with a plan. Define what you want to achieve, whether it’s boosting sales, promoting gift cards to new shoppers, or rewarding loyal customers. 

Know who you’re selling to—what motivates your customers? 

Finally, ensure your gift card promo aligns with your larger business goals for a cohesive strategy.

20 creative gift card promotion ideas to implement this year

Looking for fresh ideas to revamp your gift card promotions? Explore these 20 innovative gift card promotion strategies.

1. Buy one, get one (BOGO) offers

A BOGO offer, where customers receive a free or discounted item when they purchase, can help you effectively promote gift cards. 

For example, when customers buy a $50 gift card, they can receive an additional $10 credit for free. It encourages the initial gift card purchase and gives the customer a reason to return to your store or introduce a friend to your brand. 

It’s a win-win: your customers feel they’re getting more value, and you increase your gift card sales and potential new customer base.

2. Seasonal and holiday specials

gift card promotion ideas

Image source: Freepik

You can tap into the festive spirit during the holiday season and start your gift card campaigns. 

For instance, for Mother’s Day, you could create a promotion where every gift card purchase includes a small bonus amount as a “gift” from your business, such as adding an extra $5 for every $50 spent on a gift card. 

These timely promotions capitalize on the increased shopping activity during holidays and make your gift cards a more appealing gift choice.

3. Loyalty program integration

Integrating gift cards with your customer incentive program can motivate customers to engage more deeply with your brand. 

For example, you could offer loyalty program members bonus points for each gift card purchase. 

It encourages the initial sale and inspires customers to return to use their loyalty points—and potentially their gift card balance—at your brick-and-mortar store or online shop. 

4. Social media contests and giveaways

gift card promotion ideas for social media

Image source: Freepik

Contests and giveaways are some of the most effective gift card marketing ideas.

You can run a contest on platforms like Instagram or Facebook. Participants can join by liking, sharing, or commenting on a post. The prize could be a gift card to your store. 

For example, you might ask customers to share a photo of themselves using your product with a specific hashtag and then randomly select a winner to receive a $100 gift card. 

It promotes your gift cards and leverages user-generated content to showcase your products and attract new shoppers.

5. Early bird specials

Early bird specials help you offer incentives for customers to shop during non-peak hours or days. 

For example, a coffee shop might promote gift cards by providing a “Buy a $20 gift card, get a free coffee” deal for purchases made before 10 AM. 

It increases gift card sales and helps manage customer flow, potentially drawing in morning traffic during slower business periods. 

This savvy move can improve cash flow while also rewarding early customers.

6. Limited-time offers

Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency that can drive immediate increases in gift card sales. 

For instance, you could advertise that customers will receive a 20% bonus on any gift card purchase for one week only. If someone buys a $50 gift card, they receive a $60 value. 

This tactic encourages customers to act quickly to take advantage of the deal, potentially boosting sales and attracting regular and new customers to purchase a gift card during the promotional period.

7. Referral rewards

Referral rewards leverage your existing customer base to gain new customers while simultaneously promoting gift cards. 

You could implement a program where if a current customer refers a friend who makes a qualifying purchase, the referrer and the referred friend receive a gift card or a credit to their gift card balance. 

For example, “Refer a friend, and you both get a $10 gift card when they make their first purchase of $50 or more.” 

It motivates your current customers to spread the word about your business and encourages the referred new customers to start their relationship with your brand through a gift card purchase.

8. Gift card upgrades

gift card promotion ideas

Image source: Freepik

Gift card upgrades are a clever way to encourage customers to spend more by offering them a higher value than what they pay for. 

For example, you might run a promotion where customers can buy a $50 gift card for only $45, effectively giving them a free $5 to spend. Alternatively, you could upgrade a customer’s $100 gift card to a $120 value for a limited time. 

It improves the perceived value and generosity of giving a gift card, which can be particularly appealing during holidays or special occasions.

9. Collaborations with influencers

gift card promotion ideas for influencers

Image source: Freepik

Collaborating with influencers can significantly expand the reach of your gift card campaigns. You can tap into their follower base to promote your gift cards. 

For instance, an influencer might share a post about how they enjoy shopping at your store and then announce a giveaway where followers can win one of your gift cards. 

Alternatively, influencers could offer a unique discount code that gives their followers a special deal on gift cards from your business. 

It can be a key strategy in modern digital marketing.

10. Bundle deals for selling gift cards

You could offer a bundle where customers purchase a specific product or service and receive a gift card at a discounted rate. 

For example, “Buy a one-year gym membership and get a $50 gift card for just $30!” 

It incentivizes the primary purchase and gives the customer a reason to return or gift the card to someone else, potentially bringing in new clientele. 

11. Flash sales

Flash sales are time-sensitive promotions that offer significant discounts or benefits for a short period, creating urgency and encouraging customers to take quick action. 

When applied to gift cards, a flash sale might look like this: “Today only: Buy a $100 gift card for just $80!” 

You can effectively promote flash sales through social media and email campaigns to reach a broad audience rapidly. 

12. Promote gift cards with charity tie-ins

Charity tie-ins are a socially responsible way to promote gift cards while contributing to a good cause. 

For example, during a particular month, you might announce, “For every $50 gift card purchased, we will donate $5 to the local food bank.” 

This type of promotion appeals to customers looking to make a difference with their purchases. It helps drive sales, builds goodwill and strengthens community ties. 

13. Customer appreciation events

Hosting a customer appreciation event is a fantastic way to thank your loyal customers and promote gift cards. You can create an exclusive event where attendees receive a gift card upon entry or offer a special discount on gift cards purchased during the event. 

For example, you could host an after-hours client reception with refreshments, entertainment, and a special offer such as “Receive a $20 gift card for every $100 spent tonight.” 

You can tailor events like these to various themes and occasions, providing a memorable experience that customers will likely share with others and extending the promotion’s reach. 

14. Exclusive access offers

Offer exclusive access to new products, sales, or events for customers who purchase or use a gift card within a specific timeframe. 

For instance, “Use your gift card this weekend to gain early access to our upcoming sale!” 

This strategy encourages the use of gift cards and enhances the value of owning one, as it comes with perks and VIP treatment that are not available to the general public.

15. Milestone celebrations

Milestone celebrations can be personal, like birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations, or corporate, such as company anniversaries or reaching significant business goals.

For example, a restaurant might celebrate its 10th anniversary by offering a unique “Anniversary Gift Card,” where customers can buy a $100 card for $80.

It marks the restaurant’s milestone and incentivizes customers to join the celebration and potentially become repeat visitors.

16. New product launch promos

You might offer a gift card to early customers purchasing your new product to show appreciation.

For example, “Be among the first to purchase our new smartwatch and receive a $25 gift card to use on your next purchase.” 

You can also include a gift card as part of a pre-order promotion, such as “Pre-order our latest book release and get a $10 gift card.” 

It helps to build anticipation and secure sales before the official product launch date.

17. Receipt-based gift card promotions

Receipt-based promotions are marketing strategies where customers can benefit from offers and discounts by showing proof of purchase through their receipts. 

For example, “Bring in your receipt from today’s purchase and receive a gift card with 10% off for your next buy within seven days!” 

You can use receipt data to customize promotions and rewards programs based on customer preferences. 

18. Surprise rewards

Surprise rewards are unexpected bonuses you can provide to reward loyal customers as a thank you for their patronage. 

For instance, a customer might purchase and then receive gift baskets

or a surprise email with a gift card or a unique discount code for their next purchase.

Incorporating surprise rewards requires a balance of spontaneity and strategy to ensure they are meaningful to customers and beneficial to your business. 

19. Customer loyalty spotlights

Customer loyalty spotlights are a way to recognize and celebrate your most loyal customers publicly. 

You can offer a reward, such as a discount or a complimentary gift card for the featured customers. For instance, “As our Customer of the Month, [Name] receives a $50 gift card to enjoy on their next visit!”

Customer loyalty spotlights can be a part of a broader customer loyalty program, which may include various other benefits and rewards to encourage repeat business and deepen customer relationships. 

20. Cross-promotional partnerships

Cross-promotional partnerships involve two or more brands teaming up to promote each other’s products or services, often to mutual benefit. This strategy can expand the reach to new audiences, share marketing costs, and increase brand exposure. 

For instance, a customer who buys a certain amount of cosmetics might receive a gift card for a fashion retailer that sells complementary accessories, or vice versa. 

Cross-promotional partnerships can be particularly effective when the partnering brands share similar target demographics but offer non-competing products or services. 

Leverage PassKit for selling gift cards

PassKit is a gift card management software that lets you easily integrate digital gift cards for mobile wallets into your existing systems. You can create branded, customizable gift cards that customers can purchase and send to recipients electronically. 

PassKit gift card software

The process involves setting up a gift card incentive program within PassKit, designing the cards with the Pass Designer, and then integrating the system with your sales channels, including your website, in-store POS system, or email marketing.

Start a 45-day free trial to see how it works.

Also read:

PassKit QR code gift cards

With PassKit’s gift card management system, you can create a seamless redemption process for your digital gift cards. 

Customers can easily add these cards to mobile wallets, such as Apple and Google Wallet, and use them for in-store or online transactions. Your employees can quickly scan these cards using the PassReader app for iOS and Android to update the gift card balance.

It simplifies the process for customers and staff, making it a hassle-free experience that works smoothly with your existing checkout systems.

multichannel distribution

PassKit supports multichannel distribution to promote gift cards, meaning you can reach customers through various channels such as email, social media, and in-store displays, helping to maximize visibility and accessibility. 

You can tap into different customer segments and drive sales more effectively.

push notification

One unique feature of digital gift cards created with PassKit is the ability to send lock-screen messages to customers’ smartphones. 

This feature leverages geolocation technology to send timely and relevant notifications to gift card holders, reminding them to use their gift cards when they are near the store. 

This direct engagement can increase the likelihood of gift card redemption and enhance the customer experience.

digital gift card performance

PassKit also provides you with tools to track the performance of your gift card programs. Our platform offers analytics and reporting features that give insights into sales, redemptions, and customer behavior. 

By tracking these metrics, you can better understand your gift card program’s effectiveness and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy. 

Start a 45-day free trial.

Conclusion about gift card promotion ideas

gift card promotion ideas

Image source: Freepik

Gift cards have become a staple in consumer spending, offering a convenient and flexible gift-giving option. For businesses, they represent a significant opportunity to increase revenue, attract new customers, and retain existing ones. 

Effective promotion of gift cards is key to leveraging their full potential, and it involves creative strategies that can make your gift card program stand out. 

From surprise rewards that delight customers to cross-promotional partnerships that expand your reach, there are numerous ways to enhance the appeal of your gift cards.

PassKit simplifies creating and managing digital gift cards, allowing seamless integration into your business. It provides a comprehensive solution for companies looking to maximize their gift card offerings. 

Whether you’re looking to implement an effective redemption process or promote gift cards across multiple channels, PassKit is the best tool for the job. It streamlines your efforts and ensures the success of your gift card program.

Start a 45-day free trial.

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